As part of my contribution to promote positive power, I will be posting positive messages to my personal Facebook page at
and invite visitors to check out my online store at
along with my subscription libraries.
Believe it or not, this unexpected pandemic has definitely brought out some very wonderful things for us all!
Kind deeds from persons we do not even know! Generosity from strangers, creativity on the part of so many to help each other stay positive!
Today I salute and acknowledge my dear friend Gabriella who, for the past few months, has been patiently posting photos on Facebook with amazing descriptions.
Gabriella's selfless generosity has helped to keep my spirit alive and to help me remember things that I used to be able to see before I lost my vision in 2004!
Thank you, my dear friend! You are the perfect example of kindness, thoughtfulness, and positiveness!
I'd like to share this quote with you and I hope that it can help to inspire us to keep on trying.
"Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change." Bob Kerrey
My subscription libraries contain very valuable tips on home and garden along with yummy recipes for the culinary enthusiast! I want to help make your at-home isolation experience as pleasant as possible.
Thank you and stay safe.