Thursday, February 20, 2025

Good old memories: In the mall again


Boy oh boy, I just cannot remember the last day I took a nice leisurely walk through this particular mall. What a treat and in very good company!

Mom in her wheelchair with Moya in attendance and Gayle and I walking together. It was a lovely day for doing this.

We shopped and then had lunch in the food court.

It felt so very good to simply have a relaxing few moments.

I just cannot remember the last time that I could do this. Everyone was in good spirits.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Refreshing! Going shopping for new glasses

I just cannot remember the last time that I went shopping for glasses. Maybe it was just before Covid when Mom bought me 2 pairs of glasses for my birthday.

We bought them at the Sears store at the Fairview Mall in North York. This time it was at a different mall. Mom, Gayle, and Mom’s care giver Moya were all spectators as the wonderful ladies at the optical outlet patiently helped us to choose 2 wonderful pairs of glasses.

It did not take very long and at the end of it all?  These 3 ladies and the attendants managed to change my appearance. At the end of the day I was very pleased.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Friday, February 14, 2025

My precious priceless Mom! Seeing Mom again

After six months I was back to visit my precious Mom! I raced up the steps to her home and Moya met me at the door.

Then I was walking quickly towards Mom's chair and she was crying with joy and so was I.

I would spend the next six weeks with her; chatting, laughing, watching TV together and so much more.

Mom never complained about her new status, instead choosing to tell me what she wanted to do, what she hoped to do, and so much more.

Her comments on things read in the newspapers were priceless.  Her words of wisdom were ever so welcomed and at the end of the day? She remained my precious and priceless Mom!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Thursday, February 13, 2025

He walked the walk with me! Saying so long to John Rafferty

 It was with a very heavy heart and a lump in my throat that day when I said my final goodbye to John Rafferty.

I have known John since 2009 when he first became the CEO of the CNIB. I first met him on a very cool spring day in 2009 when he invited me to visit him at his office to discuss an editorial that I had written about his becoming the first sighted CEO of the CNIB.

This was the beginning of a very fruitful friendship for me and if history judges him otherwise I will judge him as a dynamic, warm, welcoming leader who never turned me down on any idea. He always had time to take my phone calls and to visit with me.  He listened, and made me feel that my words mattered.

John was positive, pragmatic, and never ceased to share his worldly advice with me.

Now John is gone; walking out into a new, different world and I wish him the very best in his new endeavors.  Thank you, John.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Pleased as punch! My pottery pieces


Oh, what a complete joy for me!  Just the ability to create any and everything through my pottery! I work with my pottery instructor, Shaun Kelly, who is simply marvelous. Together we discuss, imagine, and then Shaun puts the final touches to my imaginations.

We have lots of fun at the studio. We chat, imagine, and then my hands go to work.

Shaun makes me a nice mug of flavoured tea and shares cookies with me.

This is truly a great outlet for me to put my mind to work outside of work!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Friday, February 7, 2025

Forever in my memory bank: Memories of trip 2024

What more can I really say?  Words cannot and will not ever describe everything here! From beginning to end, what a priceless, precious, and never to forget experience.

A river boat cruise always to cherish, and despite Jilla and I suffering from some sort of bug, it all just turned out right.

Great fellow travelers, great tour guides, great ship staff, and yummy and delicious food! Forever grateful! The sites, sounds, smells, and tastes! Never to forget.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Thursday, February 6, 2025

I can never repay you! Thank you, Jilla

I can never say enough thank you's to my dear friend Jilla. For the things that she has done for me!

Accompanying me on so many trips, guiding me through thick and thin, and always so mindful of my needs as a vision-impaired person.

Oh, yes!  Patient and kind, generous and so very gentle! What a friend and what a lady! Thank you, Jilla!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A lifetime dream come true! The hot air balloon ride

 This was another dream come true for me! I don’t think that I had any expectations, so when it was all over, I sighed!  I thanked God!  And I stored this memory away in my memory bank!

I was never afraid as the balloon rose gracefully into the early morning Lucerne, Switzerland air. The sun shone brightly and the air was so fresh, pure, and cool!

I enjoyed our 2 staff members and cherished Jilla’s running commentary of what she was seeing.  Everything from white, black, and brown cows in the lush fields to people looking up at us and waving. Houses, churches, and other buildings.

The balloon cruised effortlessly at 5 miles per hour, 1,200 feet above ground and traveled for 12 miles!

Oh, what a dream come true for me!  I gazed skywards, prayed with gratitude and hoped that Dad, Granny, and Robs were looking down on me!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Friday, January 31, 2025

Lessons to last forever: Anne Frank's house

What a most memorable visit it was for me.
I had always dreamed of being able to visit this famous young lady’s house and to be able to simply walk a few steps in her shoes. But truth be told, I got a lot more than I ever bargained for.

Thank God that Jilla was with me as her calmness and practical nature sure helped me to control my emotions.

We walked through Anne’s house and as I listened to the audio commentaries I could not help but lament what a shame, an embarrassment, and nothing but a horrible misdeed that such a terrible and deliberate circumstance was allowed to take place.

The future of a brilliant young lady was simply allowed to be taken from the world. No excuses and not any reasons for why this was allowed to happen.

Jilla and I walked, listened, and Jilla explained photos on the walls to me.  And at the very end? We walked out of there quietly and reflectively.  Each of us contemplating our own thoughts.

I came, saw, listened, and left understanding so much more about that time in history. I could only thank God that I was not a part of that terrible world at that time and I can only pray that this never happens again.

Thank you, Anne Frank, for having left us your diary.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Thursday, January 30, 2025

My sweetie! Ms Kahlua

She is such a sweet dog!  Furry, friendly, and always remembers me whenever I visit Jilla in London, England.

This past visit she learned very quickly that she needed to nudge me to let me know that she was standing beside me and that she wanted me to stroke her.

Kahlua is as fit as a fiddle! Jilla takes her for daily walks. She enjoys the park near her home and always receives treats from vendors.

She especially enjoys her sausages, but Jilla is very strict when making sure that she does not dive into the garbage bins.

Kahlua loves for me to rub her tunny.  She does not bark. She is a rescue dog! That’s my Ms Kahlua!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Taking precautions: Careful when placing my feet

I continue to learn that I need to be very careful when placing my feet. Not just when walking on wet floors!  Whenever I am about to step onto an elevator. When I am about to step onto a cable car or any moving platform. Whenever I need to step onto any platform that is foreign to me.

Easy as I go. Concentrate fully and focus on where I need to place my feet.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Friday, January 24, 2025

Lingering memories forever: Travel 2024

And for 2024, it sure has been a busy travel time.
First to Montreal in April and such a wonderful trip.
A great first face-to-face meeting with the Air Canada advisory group.
Then the wonderful visit with Cathie and Chris and so many pleasant and memorable times.

Then, looking forward to my trip to the UK and to see Jilla, Angie, and Doug and Rowan, and to meet the newest member, Baby Noala.
And oh yes!  Must not forget Kahlua and Jilla’s neighbours and friends.
Then, blessed SR Bernadette.

It is going to be a wonderful time when Jilla and I travel to Europe to catch our  River Boat cruise on the Rhine. More travel after this when I visit Mom in August.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Welcome to my kitchen! The new girl in town


Oh yes, meet the newest girl in town!  She is my newest microwave and so far so good.
She is a talking microwave and extremely easy to operate.
All of the buttons allow me to carry out my regular functions.
She talks at the press of any of the buttons.
She is going to make a wonderful addition to my kitchen.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A must do! Packing the medications

I need to be super careful when I pack my medications. If it is a long trip, I put all of my diabetes related medications in a bag and in another bag I put my other medications.

If it is just a short trip, I repeat the same process but this time I put them in those handy dandy daily reminder containers.

I need to concentrate very deeply when carrying out these important tasks. One small glitch on my part or a simple mix up can get me into big trouble.  

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Friday, January 17, 2025

A sad day for me! Saying goodbye to my faithful microwave

 I will say one thing for me and it is this!
I am very attached to each and every one of my gadgets and each and every one has been so very faithful to me.

This is what it was for my most recent microwave.
I had her for many years and she never faltered.
Of late she had begun to falter because she was not heating my food very well.
Yet, I persisted with her for as long as I could and then one day I decided to part company with her.
It was just so very sad.
I hugged her and held her close.
I stroked her smooth top.
Then, with a gentle tap I took her down to the recycle room.
Thank you, my faithful microwave.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, January 16, 2025

I am so very privileged and humbled! Thank you Jesus and Mary


I have so very much to be grateful for!  
The best Mom in the world!
Best friends, good family, and good health!
What more can I ask for?

To have Jesus and Mary in my life sure helps me to live each day thanking them for my blessings!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lucky me! Another milestone birthday

I won’t share with you why this one was a milestone birthday for 2024, but suffice it to say that without Mom with me it was very difficult for me.

Yes, the friends and well-wishers filled my day but when my Miracle Mom is not there to be with me it sure feels very unhappy for me. Nevertheless, I did my best.  I treated myself to some favorite things and spent time reflecting.

I am just so humbled and privileged that I have lived to celebrate another birthday. Happy birthday to me!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Friday, January 10, 2025

Reflecting with fondness: Looking back at Easter 2024

Easter 2023 was one where Mom and I spent it together.
We had such a happy and wonderful time.
Mom cooked and I helped her.
We bought Easter Lilies and the house smelled so fragrant.

Easter 2024 was very different for me.
It was quiet and very restful for me.
Mom and I spoke and I made sure that she was okay.
Then I cooked something nice for myself.

Easter 2024 was without Mom but I managed to make the best of everything.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Oh, my gosh! When I threw out the wrong thing

Looking back now I can only laugh about this but at the time I was not amused.
I can only blame my lapse in concentration on the fact that on this particular morning I was not feeling very well after having received a Covid booster shot the day before.

I was dizzy and woozy.  I just wanted to throw out some unwanted stuff and I instead threw out some marinated chicken breasts that I had in my fridge.

I had spent some time to marinate these large chicken breasts and was planning to cook them on the weekend.
Just imagine my surprise when I made the discovery.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Careful as she goes! Cleaning up a spill


This is no joke!  I really do not look forward to cleaning up those unexpected spills, big or small.
For the most part I can find them and clean them up but truth be told I am always fearful that I may have missed something.

Cleaning up glass or liquid is the most challenging for me.  Next comes those sticky spills.  However, I will say that all spills are often a challenge for me. Big, small, medium sized, on the counter or on the floor.
Ah, yes! Cleaning up spills!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at