Friday, September 13, 2024

Careful as she goes! Counting the medication bottles


This is a chore that I really need to be very careful with. Not just ensuring that they are all accounted for.

I need to count them. I need to take note of each and every one. I need to be able to sort them.

In short, counting, sorting, and identifying are the things of the day for me.

Just another challenge for me.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The new way:Shopping with Stephie on Amazon


It’s a new way of shopping for me. It’s very much like window shopping, if I am looking for some sort of comparison.

I tell Stephie what I would like her to search for. Then she gets online and goes to Amazon. She begins to search for my requested item.

Then, when she finds it she begins to describe it to me. I ask her for her opinion and together we choose. Stephie fills out the required fields and then she submits. Voila!  It is all done.

A new way for me to shop!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A funny moment: Forgot to insert the earbuds


I can assure you that this was indeed a very funny episode. Yes, there I was, going about my business getting ready to do some work. I thought that I had done everything correctly.

I got my earbuds out, placed them on the desk, then I brought up my document.

I began to use my arrow keys to cursor up and down the document but no sound. What to do?

Was my computer in difficulty in that it was not working? Did NVDA cut out on me for no good reason?

Then it dawned on me! I forgot to insert my earbuds. And after I discovered this, all was well.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Friday, September 6, 2024

Pleasant times: Packing the FEDEX box


Since September 2020, I have been sending monthly Fedex boxes to my mom. For the most part, these boxes contain items that cannot be found in her neck of the woods.

At the top of the list are her weekly magazines followed by vitamin pills and other items that she would like to have.

Each month Stephie and I visit the Fedex office to mail the precious box. Stephie packs the box very meticulously and makes sure that everything is included.

For the most part Mom’s boxes have arrived intact except for one very bad time when the agents opened the box, stole some items, opened a tin of popcorn and ate some of it, and practically destroyed a lot of the contents and the box itself.

Thank goodness that Fedex was very proactive and remedied the inaction of one of their shippers.

My joy is to have Mom receive her so-called care package every month because she is excited.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Long overdue: Time to teach those medical folks


Maybe it will never be time to teach those medical folks, and what am I attempting to teach them?

Here goes:
Speak to me and not my friend or family when I enter a medical office.
Do not shout at me when speaking to me.
Talk directly to me by looking at me and not at my escort.
Please take time to provide me with necessary documentation in a readable format; a word document is a good start.
When numbers are being displayed on the monitor in an office to let patients know when they are being called, please announce the number as well.
And when I am told to take a number, please tell me my number verbally.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hunting around: Searching for the fallen earbuds


Ah yes, and when they do fall, they often do not make any sound.  Especially so when they fall on a carpeted surface. So, this is why I am truly and doubly careful when handling my earbuds.

Sometimes they will make a plopping sound when they fall on the carpet.  That is, when they land on the earbud piece itself. Or, the sound may be like a quick loud pop as the earbud piece hits the carpet or tile or hard wood. But, if they fall on the cord then there is no sound.

So, what does this mean for me?  Just to be careful when handling my precious earbuds.
Especially so when I need to search for them.

I need to use my sense of hearing to help me locate them or then I need to use logic to try and locate where I believe they have fallen.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at