Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hunting around: Searching for the fallen earbuds


Ah yes, and when they do fall, they often do not make any sound.  Especially so when they fall on a carpeted surface. So, this is why I am truly and doubly careful when handling my earbuds.

Sometimes they will make a plopping sound when they fall on the carpet.  That is, when they land on the earbud piece itself. Or, the sound may be like a quick loud pop as the earbud piece hits the carpet or tile or hard wood. But, if they fall on the cord then there is no sound.

So, what does this mean for me?  Just to be careful when handling my precious earbuds.
Especially so when I need to search for them.

I need to use my sense of hearing to help me locate them or then I need to use logic to try and locate where I believe they have fallen.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

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