Wednesday, December 29, 2021

My doll house


Yes!  I admit it!  One of my cherished childhood dreams was to have a doll house and after so many years of wishing and dreaming I now have one in my living room.  It is my way of returning to my happy childhood days.

The days when I played with dolls, tea sets, and improvised doll houses.  Oh, how I loved those days!  My overactive imagination used to conjure up all kinds of adventures with my dolls.  

They attended school!  They went on outings to the beach, to the park, and they even went shopping and got into all kinds of mischief!  Then they would come home to Mom and she would cook them a delicious meal after which they would simply crash into bed and enter dreamland!

These were the times when I could create my own world; a world just for me!  A world where I could do whatever I wanted!  My world!

So, now that my doll house is finally here, I am going to have some new fun.  The furniture is just great and all I need now is to buy the dolls to fill my new home!  

I thank Stephanie and Sandra for helping to assemble this masterpiece for me.  It was quite a chore but their patience and perseverance overcame everything.

I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas! Happy holidays! But most of all, a 2022 that will bring us lots of blessings, good things, and hopes and dreams to be fulfilled.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Joyeux Noèl!
Feliz Navidad!
Buon Natale!
Happy Hanukkah!
Please take a moment to give the gift of accessibility to families with children with a disability!

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