Friday, January 31, 2025

Lessons to last forever: Anne Frank's house

What a most memorable visit it was for me.
I had always dreamed of being able to visit this famous young lady’s house and to be able to simply walk a few steps in her shoes. But truth be told, I got a lot more than I ever bargained for.

Thank God that Jilla was with me as her calmness and practical nature sure helped me to control my emotions.

We walked through Anne’s house and as I listened to the audio commentaries I could not help but lament what a shame, an embarrassment, and nothing but a horrible misdeed that such a terrible and deliberate circumstance was allowed to take place.

The future of a brilliant young lady was simply allowed to be taken from the world. No excuses and not any reasons for why this was allowed to happen.

Jilla and I walked, listened, and Jilla explained photos on the walls to me.  And at the very end? We walked out of there quietly and reflectively.  Each of us contemplating our own thoughts.

I came, saw, listened, and left understanding so much more about that time in history. I could only thank God that I was not a part of that terrible world at that time and I can only pray that this never happens again.

Thank you, Anne Frank, for having left us your diary.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award winning sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day.
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