Friday, June 21, 2024

They linger in my mind! Thoughts of Europe


Ah, yes!  Such refreshing thoughts of my visits to Europe! I have no regrets in the least. Jilla and I have done a lot of traveling across Europe together and once more? Great memories to add to my overflowing memory bank.

The European culture is so much more easy going than the North American culture. People seem to be more laid back, so much more aware of accessibility. It is such a pleasure and refreshing experience when I don’t have to be concerned about folks reaching out to me.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Always a pleasure: London calling


I really cannot explain it but since 2022 I have been visiting the UK and staying with my dear friend Jilla. I started this trend in 2014 when I attended a chess tournament in Windermere. Then I returned to Windermere in 2019.

Over these 2 visits I made some really great connections which have now blossomed into solid friendships.  I also reconnected with SR Christina, now SR Bernadette, reconnected with my Liverpool cousins, and decided to visit Christopher Grange.

This visit was extremely difficult for me as I made myself deal with some very personal and unfinished memories.  It was such a relief to me when I had finally dealt with it. Then reconnecting with Jilla, so very precious. Above all, my long overdue connection with Angie, and now we have become great friends.
In 2022 I attended my graduation at the University of London to accept my Law Degree. Then Jilla and I traveled to Normandy France. On this visit I met my Liverpool cousins and Mary and Yvonne.

In 2023 I again visited London and this time Jilla and I embarked on a River Boat cruise to the Danube. Then I visited Angie and we visited with Mary, and Yvonne, and her husband Steve.

For 2024 another visit to London and another River Boat cruise. More memories to add to my bulging memory bank.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Old friends die hard! Seeing Mary and Yvonne again


Believe me when I tell you that whenever I get to reconnect with friends from so long ago, the feelings are so very rewarding.  This is how I felt in July 2023 when I saw Mary and Yvonne and Yvonne’s husband Steve. I'd met Mary and Yvonne so many years ago when I lived and studied in Liverpool, England.

We were all so very young then; simply kids who just wanted to be friends and to enjoy each other’s friendship. Mary and Yvonne were so kind to me, generous and welcoming as they accepted me into their company. And being so far from home made it even more precious.

We had a lovely time that day in 2023.  We ate, drank, and shared old and precious memories.

Angie and I enjoyed being with them and at the end of it all? My memories forever!  More precious moments to add to my memory bank!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Friday, June 14, 2024

A wonderful friend:Good times with Angie


I am just so very happy that I have gotten to know and befriend Angie.
After all these years it is never too late.
I never knew her when Uncle Harold was alive
Since 2019, we have become fast friends and what I love most about Angie is that she loves to laugh.
She is generous, welcoming, and entertaining.
She is open and understanding.
She asks questions and is a terrific listener.
Most of all, she is most comfortable with my vision impairment.
Thank you, Angie, for having come into my life!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, June 13, 2024

For my memory bank: Touring Europe


If I had to do it again I would not hesitate. It was so very different from my cruise to Hawaii.
My European tour was very well-constructed and offered us so much to see and do.
On the other hand, my tour to Hawaii lacked direction and did not have any constructive guidance.

People in Europe were simply welcoming and friendly.  So very willing and ready to assist and accessibility was always at the forefront of assistance.

I would also respectfully submit that when it comes to accessibility, Europe is way ahead.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A great experience! The river boat cruise


This was one of the best experiences that I have ever had! I have always wanted to go on a River Boat cruise and I was not disappointed.

When I compare this to an ocean cruise, and speaking as a vision-impaired passenger, the River Boat cruise wins hands down. Maybe because the boat was much smaller with many less people.  Or maybe because of the much smaller size it was easier to navigate my way around.

Having my friend Jilla sure helped as she showed me the way and taught me all kinds of tricks. Jilla is an experienced traveler so this definitely helped.

I got to know the staff and the cruise director was simply superb!
Most of all, I truly enjoyed the on-land tours and learned so much European history.

It was an eye opener for me and I was not disappointed.
I loved how the room was laid out; compact and easy to navigate.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Friday, June 7, 2024

It's not going to get any better: Leaving with a heavy heart


I just need to get used to this. Each time I leave my precious Mom after a visit, my heart only seems to get heavier and heavier.
This is how it was when I left her on May 31, 2023.

She tried so hard not to cry.
However, I know that it told me everything when she said her parting words to me.
Her voice quivered and sounded so very sad.
I, in turn, did my best not to show my emotions.
Guess that my facial expression showed it all.
Something that I, as a vision-impaired person, needs to always remember. Keep my facial expressions in check.  It is the best way to hide my emotions.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A must do: Making sure to copy the right documents


It does not matter if you are sighted or not. The important thing is to copy the right document.

What does this all mean to me? Just this!

Read the name of the document very carefully before copying. Pay attention. Don’t be sloppy and do concentrate on what you are doing.

Do not multitask while doing this!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A humorous moment: Pouring the wrong laundry detergent


Looking back at this now I can only smile to myself and it all has to do with the fact that I did not take time to do this one thing. You see, I just simply picked up a bottle assuming that it was the right bottle.

I opened it and without even taking time to sniff the contents I poured it. Normally, I usually sniff the contents and I never assume that I have the right bottle in hand.

Just me not being careful this time.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly award-winning, sight-loss coach and accessibility advisor wishing you a terrific day.

If you would like to learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as a sight-loss coach and author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide-eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and  @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at