Friday, October 30, 2020

A must to do: Keeping the jars organized

This is a definite must for me because if I do not then all hell will break loose. It will mean total confusion for me and I'll need to have some sighted assistance to help me reorganize.

If the jars are of a different size or height, it is not too difficult and this is often the case. Or if shapes are different then this helps, as well. Sometimes if I shake a jar I am able to tell its contents.

Of course, simply opening the jar and smelling its contents is the first course of action. However, if I do not wish to open a jar that has not yet been opened, then smelling its contents is out of the question.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A new way to socialize: Social distancing

This is yet another new thing for me to get used to with the onset of Covid. And for someone who is vision impaired, this is indeed a challenge.

At all times I need to ensure that I am either standing or sitting at the prescribed distance away from someone else. I depend heavily on my senses of hearing, smell, and sometimes touch to make sure that I am safe.

My sense of hearing tells me how far I am away from someone else and this is my first safeguard. My sense of smell is my second safeguard. I use this sense to tell me how far away someone may be based on what I am sniffing: someone's perfume or after shave or smells of clothing or anything else.

My sense of touch is my third safeguard and I will sometimes use my cane to help me measure distance.

All in a day's challenge for social distancing.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

An absolute necessity: Cleaning the counters

With the Covid virus amongst us, I now take extra precautions to clean my counters. Not that I was not doing it before; now I do it several times daily and I use my homemade spray of two parts water, 1 part bleach, and 1 part Pine Sol.

I spray liberally and then I get to work to wipe down my counters. I make sure that there are no crumbs left, no spills, no greasy spots, and nothing but nice smooth counters.

I am extra careful. I make sure to get everything. I spray each time I place anything on my counters that I have brought into my home. I take my time and I feel comfortable that my fingers have felt and inspected my counters.

These extra and additional steps help me to sleep better at night knowing that Covid will not have a chance to visit me.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advocate, wishing you a terrific day!


If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Monday, October 26, 2020

Give the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today.

A soulful moment. Forehead to forehead, a mother and her beloved son with a disability at a rehabilitation center.

The world today is not what it was yesterday and it will not be the same tomorrow. We are presently living in very challenging and troubled times but rest assured, with our high propensity to create, innovate, and overcome, we will get through this together!

Author Donna Jodhan is committed to doing her part to ensure that persons with disabilities, especially our kids with disabilities, are not left out and that they are given every opportunity to be a part of our growing virtual world.

Author Donna invites you to support one of her many ongoing initiatives by making a small donation today. To say thank you, all supporters are granted unlimited access to all 3 of Author Donna’s Subscription Libraries. These include her Audio Mystery Library, her Recipe Library and her Home & Garden Library. Review them today at:

All donations, including anonymous donations, are also acknowledged on both the Author Donna Jodhan Supporters Page and the Author Donna Jodhan Donor Wall for the duration of their support.

Please consider giving the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today. Your support makes the difference in keeping our children connected, healthy and part of our community.  Visit

Friday, October 23, 2020

Scary times: Make the world go away

Unfortunately, and for better or for worse, this present world is not going to go away any time soon!  No, with Covid in our midst our world is going to keep on being an uncertain one with many twists and turns.

I, and everyone else, may as well get used to it. Self-isolation, social distancing, masks, hand sanitizers, hand soaps, and antiseptic sprays and wipes are here to stay and be a part of our daily lives for the foreseeable future.

I need to accept this and I certainly have. We are all in this together and the only way out, in my humble opinion, is for us to all row the boat in the same direction.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Refreshing all the way: Socializing with Sandra

I got to know my neighbour Sandra in 2004 when I had to ask for her assistance in helping me to tend to my sick canary, Scottie. Before this, I had barely known her as we were both working and never got the chance to run into each other.

Then she retired in 2000 but it took four years for us to become neighbours and friends. Since then, our friendship has grown by leaps and bounds and I am just so grateful that she has come into my life.

Sandra is so very level-headed and patient. She always has words of wisdom to pass on to me and she often helps me to see all sides of a story. Most of all, Sandra never makes me feel uncomfortable and has never seemed to mind that I am vision impaired.

Her helping hand is always outstretched and with the present pandemic upon us, it is so reassuring to know that she is within calling distance.

So thank you to my Scottie for having helped to bring Sandra into my life.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Mom's pride and joy: Lilies on Mom's patio

My mom is just so proud of the lilies on her patio and she is never tired of telling me how pretty and lovely they look. For me, I am always so pleased to hear her descriptions.

At one time I was able to see what they looked like; that is, when I had functional vision. So now it is not too difficult for me to visualize them.

Their flowers are plentiful when in bloom. They hang low to the ground and they emit a wonderful fragrance. However, they may not be lilies after all. They may be known as ground orchids but Mom and I lovingly call them lilies.

I always look forward to visiting them whenever I visit Mom's home. I simply love to touch them and admire their strong stances.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advocate, wishing you a terrific day!


If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Monday, October 19, 2020

Give the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today.

A soulful moment. Forehead to forehead, a mother and her beloved son with a disability at a rehabilitation center.

The world today is not what it was yesterday and it will not be the same tomorrow. We are presently living in very challenging and troubled times but rest assured, with our high propensity to create, innovate, and overcome, we will get through this together!

Author Donna Jodhan is committed to doing her part to ensure that persons with disabilities, especially our kids with disabilities, are not left out and that they are given every opportunity to be a part of our growing virtual world.

Author Donna invites you to support one of her many ongoing initiatives by making a small donation today. To say thank you, all supporters are granted unlimited access to all 3 of Author Donna’s Subscription Libraries. These include her Audio Mystery Library, her Recipe Library and her Home & Garden Library. Review them today at:

All donations, including anonymous donations, are also acknowledged on both the Author Donna Jodhan Supporters Page and the Author Donna Jodhan Donor Wall for the duration of their support.

Please consider giving the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today. Your support makes the difference in keeping our children connected, healthy and part of our community.  Visit

Friday, October 16, 2020

She is the newest addition: My new orchid

She has been a part of my home for several months now. I bought her in March and she quickly became the star! She is a deep purple, tall and so elegant and graceful.

I may not be able to see her but it is enough for me to be able to feel her and water her.  She sits in my living room and she gets the morning sunlight.

She has figured prominently in some of the photos that friends have taken for me which I have sent to Mom. Everyone simply adores my beloved orchid.

She is strong, she is beautiful, and she will be a huge part of my life for as long as she wants. Here's hoping that she stays with me for a very long time.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Frustrating and challenging: When the sponge mop disintegrated

And boy, oh boy! What a royal mess it was for me to clean up and so unexpected. I only realized that the mop had shed its sponge when I was cleaning up my storage cupboard. It was scattered all over the place on the floor behind my brooms and other mops.

It took me a very long time to clean up and to make sure that I had gotten it all. As a matter of fact, I had to clean up twice to ensure that I had gotten everything. Not one of my favourite moments. It was enough for me to put everything into a bag and toss it in the garbage when I was done.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Treasured moments: Another FaceTime session with Mom

This was probably one of the most gratifying and cherished days for me since the Covid lockdown began. Mom was having lunch with Jeff and Gayle at their house. After lunch Gayle set her up on her iPad and we had such a wonderful chat.

It did not matter to me that I could not see Mom; it was enough that she could see me and that I could hear her voice. What a wonderful few minutes.

I know that she was looking at me very intently; checking out my hair, my face, and as much as she could see. It's what all moms do.

Ah, yes!  A huge thanks to technology!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advocate, wishing you a terrific day!
If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan
And like me on Facebook at and at

Monday, October 12, 2020

Give the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today.






A soulful moment. Forehead to forehead, a mother and her beloved son with a disability at a rehabilitation center.

The world today is not what it was yesterday and it will not be the same tomorrow. We are presently living in very challenging and troubled times but rest assured, with our high propensity to create, innovate, and overcome, we will get through this together!

Author Donna Jodhan is committed to doing her part to ensure that persons with disabilities, especially our kids with disabilities, are not left out and that they are given every opportunity to be a part of our growing virtual world.

Author Donna invites you to support one of her many ongoing initiatives by making a small donation today. To say thank you, all supporters are granted unlimited access to all 3 of Author Donna’s Subscription Libraries. These include her Audio Mystery Library, her Recipe Library and her Home & Garden Library. Review them today at:

All donations, including anonymous donations, are also acknowledged on both the Author Donna Jodhan Supporters Page and the Author Donna Jodhan Donor Wall for the duration of their support.

Please consider giving the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today. Your support makes the difference in keeping our children connected, healthy and part of our community.  Visit


Friday, October 9, 2020

The innocence of kids: Enjoying little Avery

She is just five but she sure knows how to behave in public and is always a joy to be around.

She is always pleasant, loves to sing, and plays well by herself. She seems willing to eat whatever you put on her plate and she does not complain.

Funny, but this little angel shares the same birthday with me! What a coincidence!

The nice thing is that she does not know that I am vision-impaired so it is always fun whenever she shows me things and points to things.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, October 8, 2020

New experiences: Wearing a mask as a blind person

I know that we are all in this together but I would just like to highlight some of my challenges as a person with a vision impairment as I continue to wear a mask during this Covid time. I will hasten to add that I am not complaining; it could be a lot worse.

First, It is sometimes difficult for me to speak clearly and when this takes place it is difficult for me to communicate fully and clearly. I need to ensure that I am fully understood.

Next, those around me who do not know me often do not realize that I am vision impaired so I need to make sure that I carry my cane and that my cane is always visible.

Then I need to ensure that my mask is always well fitted on my face and that there is no opportunity for it to slip.

Yes, it is a challenge but I know that it must be done so I make the best of my mask.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A brand new way: The joys of a balcony

The joy of a balcony, for me, is simply indescribable and living in a condo only helps me to appreciate my balcony even more.

I can no longer see anything from my balcony because of a lack of vision but this does not prevent me from enjoying it to its fullest.

I go out there and sit in my chair as often as I can. I enjoy the fresh air, listening to the birds singing their hearts out, and yes!  Even hearing the traffic roll by below me.

I love being close to my plants. I visit with them every day and tenderly take care of them.  I make sure that they are not too wet or too dry. I play with their flowers, run my fingers amongst their leaves, and gently pat their tops. I even say a few words to them!

Ah yes! my beloved balcony!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advocate, wishing you a terrific day!


If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and at author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Monday, October 5, 2020

Give the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today.

A soulful moment. Forehead to forehead, a mother and her beloved son with a disability at a rehabilitation center.

The world today is not what it was yesterday and it will not be the same tomorrow. We are presently living in very challenging and troubled times but rest assured, with our high propensity to create, innovate, and overcome, we will get through this together!

Author Donna Jodhan is committed to doing her part to ensure that persons with disabilities, especially our kids with disabilities, are not left out and that they are given every opportunity to be a part of our growing virtual world.

Author Donna invites you to support one of her many ongoing initiatives by making a small donation today. To say thank you, all supporters are granted unlimited access to all 3 of Author Donna’s Subscription Libraries. These include her Audio Mystery Library, her Recipe Library and her Home & Garden Library. Review them today at:

All donations, including anonymous donations, are also acknowledged on both the Author Donna Jodhan Supporters Page and the Author Donna Jodhan Donor Wall for the duration of their support.

Please consider giving the gift of accessibility to disabled children and their families today. Your support makes the difference in keeping our children connected, healthy and part of our community.  Visit

Friday, October 2, 2020

See what Covid is doing! New challenges with online exams

The event of Covid has definitely brought many new and unexpected challenges when it comes to taking online exams and as a vision-impaired person, times have become very interesting.

For the most part, the proctoring software does not seem to be working and for me to use a webcam is extremely difficult. In addition, I need to ensure that my screen reading software can communicate adequately with whatever software is being used.

I also need to ensure that websites are navigable and usable for me. As my dad used to say, there is always going to be a workaround; we just need to find it.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Not an easy thing: The challenges of identifying

This is not a new challenge for me but with the Covid amongst us, I need to develop different ways to identify when someone is within social distancing of me. So, this is what I do.

If I am walking down the hall towards the elevator or towards the garbage chute, I use my sense of smell to see if I can smell anyone's perfume or cologne and if I do I say either hello or good morning. If the person responds then I know which side of the hallway I need to stay on.

When I enter the elevator, I always say the same: hello or good morning and then I use the response to tell me which side of the elevator I need to go to.

This almost always works for me and will not work if a person is there but chooses not to respond. On the whole, though, it does.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advisor, wishing you a terrific day!

If you would like to learn more about me as an author then I invite you now to visit

There you will not only learn about me as an author but you will also gain insights into my campaign against bullying and why I strongly believe that you need to consider joining me in order to insure that the future of our kids, with their wide eyed smiles and infectious laughter, is secured forever.

Follow me on Twitter @accessibleworld and @author_jodhan

And like me on Facebook at and at