Thursday, February 2, 2012

My shadow

It is one thing to have one’s shadow described to them, and when you can’t see it, it is even more difficult to imagine what a shadow really does look like. So just imagine the day when I first saw my shadow! That was the day so many years ago, shortly after I obtained my first cornea transplant.

This was at a time when I was discovering so many new things. My world was growing so fast and there were so many things to discover and explore. So how did I discover that it was indeed my very own shadow that I was seeing for the first time?

It was a beautiful, sunny spring day so many years ago as I set out for a walk on my own and as I cast my eyes downward, guess what I saw? Yes! A shape in front of me, a shape on the ground that moved with each step that I made. At first I was not sure what it was and as I reached down with my hand to try and touch it, I saw my own hand reaching down in unison with my hand movement. Then it dawned on me! It was my own shadow!

I stood still for a few moments and looked downward at my shadow. Then I started to kick out one foot at a time and I saw the movements being reflected back up to me with the sun shining on my movements on the ground. It was just so wonderful for me to discover and explore.

Later on at home, I played with my shadow on the wall of my bedroom and in the mirror of my bathroom. It was something new for me to discover. There was much more to come.

I’m Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility advocate, wishing you a terrific day and urging you to go out there and tell others about my discoveries. Come by and visit me at to learn more.

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