Friday, June 12, 2009

When The Power Goes Out

Now that my lack of vision does not allow me to see light very well, I am often left to deploy some very interesting tactics when power goes. First of all though, I need to know when it has indeed gone out, and that could be very tricky if I am not watching TV, listening to the radio, or at my computer.

If power goes while the TV or radio is on, or if I am at my computer; TV and radio will automatically shut off and the computer will beep loudly and switch to battery mode. If the microwave is on, it will automatically stop. However, if I am cooking, here is where the problem lies.

I need to pay extra attention while cooking because if the power goes, there is no audio indicator to alert me. So, I have to keep checking the heat of the stove and other cooking appliances except for the microwave. There is one kitchen appliance that definitely tells me when power goes and when it returns and that is my old faithful fridge. As soon as power goes, Madam Fridge makes a very loud shaking sound, and when power returns, she does the same alerting me that she is back online so to speak. The TV and radio do not automatically come back on but my microwave speaks to me emitting an audio message that says "Chimo is ready." My computer automatically switches back to power mode.

As a result of not being able to manage electric clocks independently, all of my clocks are now battery operated but this poses another set of problems for me in that I have to be on the alert for when the batteries go. But, that is another story for another blog.

If my light bulbs blow on me, but the power is still on, then I need to use some other strategies. I have a routine of checking all light bulbs at different times to ensure that they are lighting. Why do I do this if I am unable to see them? Very simple! To keep up with the normal world. So that whenever I have visitors, they do not operate in the dark.

If you would like to learn more about the various gadgets that blind persons can use in order to help them deal with power outages plus more, then visit

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your accessibility and special-needs business consultant, wishing you a terrific day and motivating you to go out there and help educate others about how blind persons deal with power outages.

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