Friday, November 16, 2012

I think with color

Yes, for as long as I can remember and I am not sure why! I have always thought in color and even now with precious little vision, it is the same for me.

So, this is how it goes: I think of numbers and letters in terms of color. The #1 is a very dark grey. #2 is black, #3 is a medium brown, #4 is a royal blue, #5 is white, #6 is a golden yellow, #7 is sky blue, #8 is a reddish pink, and #9 is a light yellow. Similarly, I think of letters through color. Countries also have their special color and so on.

I live in a world of color despite my blindness and I have lots of fun enjoying it. Color, color, and I am going to use my unique way to create music. Call me crazy or call me goofy! That's me!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan, your friendly accessibility consultant, wishing you a terrific day and inviting you to come visit me anytime at

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